The Cognitive Emporium Professional Training Course
Applied & Proven Practical Strategies for Dyslexia Developed by a Speech-Language Pathologist for Speech-Language Pathologists
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Applied and Proven Practical Strategies for Dyslexia Developed by a Speech-Language Pathologist for Speech-Language Pathologists
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
6:30 PM — 8:30 PM CST (7:30 PM — 9:30 PM EST)

The Cognitive Emporium P.A.T.H. System
The Predictable Transformation Highway System (The P. A. T. H. System)
The P.A.T.H system ™ is the hallmark of cognitive training at The Cognitive Emporium (TCE). Our intervention is an intense, individualized, comprehensive plan that utilizes the brain’s neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity defines the brain’s ability to change and modify neuron activity and connections in reaction to increased learning demand. The P. A. T. H. System™ is a multi-tool, comprehensive plan personalized to your child's learning style. Each tool is summarized below:
The Best Investigation Tool For Knowing Everything
(The B.I.K.E.)The B. I. K. E. is an evalution tool utilizing a variety of tools to determine any struggles preventing a person from reaching their optimal learning potential. Once identified, a strategic plan can be formulated and their distinct P. A. T. H. created.
The Systematic Working Memory Intervention Method
(S.W.I.M)According to research the driving engine for learning is found in the memory system. Our intervention uses 32 one on one sessions to improve an individuals attention and memory system.
Retraining Utilizing Neuropathways
(R. U. N. )The major cause in why a smart child struggles can be found in the underlying root system known as cognitive processes. In order to permanently solve a learning problem, weak underlying cognitive skills must be strengthened.
Cognitive Auditory training for Reading and Spelling
(C. A. R. S. )The B. I. K. E. is an evalution tool utilizing a variety of tools to determine any struggles preventing a person from reaching their optimal learning potential. Once identified, a strategic plan can be formulated and their distinct P. A. T. H. created.
Better Understanding of Self
(B. U. S.)The more a person becomes aware of their unique learning profile the more power they have to overcome any of life’s obstacles. A variety of tools are used to equip people on the B. U. S. so they gain the independence and self confidence to reach a goal or make a change in their life that directly impacts learning optimization.
Training for parents and professionals
(The T.R.A.I.N. station)One in five people learn differently. Based on those statistics, there would be no way that every student that needs our help could be seen by our trained professionals. To change that, we offering trainings for professionals and parents that can be accessed through our training module system and taught on their own time at their own pace.
Click to read more about The P.A.T.H. and each training tool and learn how, together, we can uncover your child's own P.A.T.H. to achieving their full potential.