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Who is the CEO of your brain and why are they so important?

Executive function skills are often referred to as the “CEO” of the brain. These skills are key to excelling in today’s chaotic, fast-paced learning environments. These skills take place in the prefrontal cortex of the brain and they can be one of the reasons a smart child struggles, despite high intelligence. What skills are affected […]


Who Are The Best Tutors For Dyslexia and ADHD?

Tutors for Dyslexia & ADHD: Reviews, Rating & Resources For Your Situation   Who are the best tutors for Dyslexia & ADHD? This is one of the questions I get asked most frequently in social settings when parents of children with ADHD or Dylexia find out what I do. When I decided to open my […]


Learning Games For Kids

Learning Games for Kids: What are the best games you could buy that are educational and enriching?                   Parents ask me all the time, “What are the best learning games for children that won’t bore them? The answer: The one that you and your child play together. […]


How Children Learn To Spell

How Children Learn To Spell Why Can My Child Read But Not Spell? The answer is usually found in the reading pattern that your child chose when learning to read. The brain processes reading through the auditory and visual loops. Four out of Five children learn to read using the auditory pathway. These students map […]


What Is Auditory Processing Disorder?

“Its like my child doesn’t hear anything that I say”!     I walked out into the waiting room to bring back my next appointment. Immediately I introduced myself to a third grade girl that I will call Sara, and I asked her a question. Instantly I saw what I refer to as: “The deer […]


Why Does My Son Get A’s In School but Can’t Read?

The Learning Illusion Why grades don’t determine what your child has learned April 26, 2016 “Hello, how can I help you?” “Yes, Ma’am my daughter is in the third grade and can’t read, she can’t complete her homework at night, and tells me that she does not understand her work, yet she gets A’s and […]


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How a 10-minute call can solve years of emotional pain

For parents who struggle, yell, and eventually give up on tutoring their children, a 10-minute call with Kyra Minichan of The Cognitive Emporium can pinpoint the barriers your child is facing. The call is complimentary...simply schedule 10 minutes with Kyra by clicking the "Book Now" button.