The Key to ADHD Evaluation
Why is a good evaluation the key to solving your problem? We’re going to tell a short story about a refrigerator to answer that question. What do refrigerators have to do with ADHD evaluation? Let’s dig in.
The Importance of Evaluation in Diagnosis
Recently, we had a service repairman out to our house to determine why our refrigerator was not cooling. He was thorough in his assessment, and after diving deep into the nuts and bolts of the system, he concluded that we needed a new computer board. He gave us the option to order it from him but was honest in telling us that we could go on eBay and find it cheaper. We placed the order with him the next day to have the part in hand.
The serviceman told us that he could come back and put it in, but he believed we could do it ourselves after he walked us through what to do. Then he said something that related to The Cognitive Emporium. He said, “You know, most people see a problem and immediately want to give up on their current refrigerator. When all they need to do is get a good diagnostic to figure out the problem. More times than not, it’s an easy fix.”
When the refrigerator stopped working, we started looking up the cost of a new fridge. We also searched for a service maintenance specialist and set up an appointment. Attempting not to be overwhelmed, we tried to figure out the best way around the obstacle.
When the refrigerator started working again, reflection on the process revealed several similarities between how the serviceman helped us and how The Cognitive Emporium helps families with their struggling children.
5 Steps to Helping Families with ADHD Children
Evaluation is critical in ADHD evaluation and the evaluation of any child with a learning or behavioral challenge. There are five key steps that Kyra Minichan follows to help families as she evaluates their children and creates customized solutions to fit their specific needs.
- Finding the right person to diagnose the problem and offer a solution is essential.
- The diagnostic needs to include the whole system and find the root of the problem.
- Educate the client and empower them to do what they can on their own.
- Offer options when it comes to solutions.
- Provide support when the family has questions.
Help Your Struggling Child
When you are faced with a problem that you are not qualified to solve, find someone who is and ask for help. It’s that simple. Kyra Minichan specializes in looking at the whole child and finding the right solution for each family. Kyra offers online and in-person services, with over 30 years of experience working with children and adolescents. Schedule a complimentary 10-minute evaluation with Kyra here.