What are your plans for your kids to learn this upcoming school year? Are you overwhelmed and feeling stuck? I understand. One day schools are opening, the next day they are going remote? Hybrid versus flex, red, yellow, and green zones, the list goes on and on. What is equally frustrating is that education is not the only thing you have to think about. Health, safety, finances, work schedules, childcare, all of these issues matter too and leave you with a lot of open tabs inside your head. The more tabs that stay open the more anxious and afraid it can make you feel.
Fear-based decision making is never a good idea, especially when it impacts the future of our kids.
I am a parent as well as a professional dedicated to helping smart kids get smarter. It is just one of the reasons I wanted to write this blog. Parents need hope and encouragement now more than ever. Especially if you have a child who was struggling before schools started to change.
If you are a parent, who is feeling stuck or overwhelmed, Please understand that you are not alone. This is new for all parents. No one has ever been in this situation before, so the problems we are facing have never been solved. That means we have to figure this out on our own and that can be uncomfortable. The only way to get comfortable with the uncomfortable without getting stuck is to take action.
Try these three things if you want to move forward and get unstuck:
- Own it and flush it. Own the fact that you don’t have all of the answers right now and lean into the uncomfortable feelings you may be experiencing. Identify them through the next step.
- Do a brain dump. When you move, your brain grooves. Action overtakes fears. Take 5 minutes every day to write down your feelings or fears. Don’t overthink it. It can be a one-liner like this: “I have no idea how I am going to make this work? I am afraid things will never be normal again.” There is power in writing down your words, not just speaking them. It releases the energy and frees up brain storage.
- Play pretty. Understand the difference between good anxiety and bad anxiety and play with both. A little bit of anxiety is good, it makes us take action. Play with the good and let it be your guide to get creative. Creativity is the key to innovation and now is your time to create the environment for your child to rise.
When we let fear and anxiety rent space in our head for free, it drains us of the energy we need to help find the solutions.
I have been helping parents navigate their kid’s future for years. While the circumstances of these unprecedented times are different, one thing remains true. Your kids need you and they want to learn. If you are struggling to figure out what that looks like and how to make it happen, you are not alone. I know this because of the number of parents asking for help. This is exciting. Parents are showing up and investing in their kids.
I know that parenting is the scariest job I have ever had. Maybe because it is the most important job I have ever had and I don’t want to mess it up. Don’t let the fear of not knowing what to do paralyze you and keep you from doing what is best for you and your family. When you are on vacation and get lost, what do you do? Hopefully, you stop and ask for help or directions. Maybe you aren’t lost. Maybe you are just spinning and waiting for the universe to reset itself. That’s okay to a point. But remember that the more unanswered questions you store in your mind the less space you have for solutions. Start closing the tabs. Unless you work for the education department no one is looking at you to create a reopening plan for your child’s school. In the same respect, they don’t know your circumstances and what you will need to help your kids learn.
Let’s work together to create the best environment for your kids to rise.
I offer parent coaching online through Zoom and in person. Visits can be one time or as often as you need. I will listen to your story and find a solution that works best for your current reality. I will help create a system that is simple and easy to use for remote learning. I can help you manage your time and keep you balanced with work, play, and school. I will find the best resources that will enhance your child’s learning.
Would you like to take a test drive? I don’t blame you. This is a sensitive matter and you need someone you respect and can trust. I don’t accept clients who I don’t think I can help so I offer a free 10-minute phone call for us to get to know one another and see if we are the right fit. Click on this link to get started. https://thecognitiveemporium.com/10-minute-evaluation/